New to Pole? Come to a Taster Class to experience what Pole Dancing Classes in London are all about.
Want to try Pole Dancing for the first time?! Then come to one of our Taster Classes to discover and experience what Pole Dance Fitness is all about. Taster Classes are for Absolute Beginners who have never done pole before and who’d like to give it a try before signing up to a 6 Week Beginner Course. Welcome! You’ll be in good company…
We have loads of different types of workshops to develop and inspire your pole practice. Guest Pole Champions like Bendy Kate hold our workshops, as well as our regular Instructors. Pole Choreography, Spinning Pole, Pole Doubles, Pole Conditioning, Ballet Pole, Handstands, Acro Skills, Yoga for Pole etc etc its all here and if it isn’t tell us and we’ll add it!
Once you’ve done a taster and fallen in love with Pole Fitness, the best way to learn is to sign up for a 6 week course. Get fit, have fun and learn a challenging new skill!